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The Brave SEASON 2 Cancelled By NBC
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About The Brave
The Brave Season 1 released September 25, 2017 on NBC; Season 1B released Jan. 1, 2018.
This fresh, heart-pounding journey into the complex world of America's elite undercover military heroes follows Captain Adam Dalton (Mike Vogel) and his heroic Special Ops squad of highly trained undercover specialists as they carry out each mission on the ground. His team is armed with incredible sniper Sgt. Jasmine "Jaz" Khan (Natacha Karam), CPO Ezekiel "Preach" Carter (Demetrius Grosse), combat medic Sgt. Joseph "McG" McGuire (Noah Mills) and intelligence officer Agent Amir Al-Raisani (Hadi Tabbal). This team works hand-in-hand with D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell (Anne Heche) and her team of analysts including veterans Cultural Specialist Noah Morgenthau (Tate Ellington) and Mission Coordinator Hannah Archer (Sofia Pernas), as they wield the world's most advanced surveillance technology from headquarters in D.C. All members of this elite squad, both in D.C. and across the world, have one thing in common: their resilience and commitment to freedom is unmatched by any other. Often facing insurmountable challenges, the team works tirelessly to get the job done and to prevail in even the most complex situations. Week after week, the team uses that determination along with their unbreakable bond to save the lives of innocent people and execute missions in some of the most dangerous places in the world.
Please tell me that they aren’t canceling the new show, “THE BRAVE”. It is by far one of the best new shows on television. Please bring this show back!
Please return The Brave for season 2. It is the most Real Life new show on TV.. Great story line and acting. Our country needs to see how Brave our special Ops people are.
This was the best show on even though there were other new military shows! Do not cancel this please!!!!!!
Were the ratings bad? I find it hard to believe after watching every episode and finding each one better than the previous. Other than Homeland and Designated Survivor, I can’t seem to get through any of the other CIA/FBI/Military shows. The Brave quickly became my fav show. Sad to see it canceled.
I agree!! Please bring this show BACK!! It was awesome! Plus they need to finish rescuing their team mate!!!
You fucking kidding me man it was the best tv show I had seen in a while. But I forgot it did not have enough damn sex in it 2 keep going but hell that why I liked it
I loved The Brave. Please bring it back! Anne Peche was so good and realistic in her role, as were the other actors. I’m so disappointed to hear it might not get renewed.
I agree. NBC blew it. They needed to give this show more time to gain traction. Much better than SEAL Team. SEAL Team was just promoted better. I hope NBC reconsiders or makes it a NBC On-Demand show.
We love the Brave! Please don’t cancel!
My husband and I love The Brave please bring it back don’t cancel it
Please bring back the Brave. One of the best shows we have seen
i cannot for the life of me see how they can cancel this show
I love that show, please do not cancell!!!!!
Bring the Brave show don’t cancel
Better than SEAL Team. I really wish it was renewed.
Just started watching and love this show. Do not cancel!
Please bring back The Brave! I have to know what happened to Jazz!! Such a great show!
Please bring back The Brave! I have to know what happened to Jazz!! Such a great show!
The Brave is one of the best shows on T.V. NBC would be very foolish to cancel this show. So many of my friends watch it.
The Brave is the best show on tv. Please renew for Season 2.
The brave is one of the best shows on TV. Please do not cancel
Full of action. Watched every episode and cannot believe they are considering canceling The Brave. NBC please reconsider.
My husband and love The Brave. Why are you cancelling it?!?! Please bring it back!!
Why would you cancel the best show on NBC ?
Coming from a Marine Corp family, The Brave is the first military action, elite show, I have had the pleasure to view in decades. It is intense, it “feels” real, the character build-up and camaraderie is superb. From the first episode to the last, I was intrigued. In comparison to Seal Team, the Brave is spot on. This show is about actual events and the drama thereof, and not the drama of boyfriends, girlfriends and what is not to say about
Anne Heche, Jazz, Dalton, Preach, McG and Amir. I would gladly walk alongside each of these individuals. NBC is wrong to cancel this show, if it has, bring it back. Air more commericals, that’s what you do. We live in an age where we count on men/women of this caliber to protect us. Seeing them in action, gives us a sense of pride. Pride so precious and so missing in today’s society.
Please don’t cancel. I was really looking forward to seeing the team in season two. This is really good.
I love the Brave too! Mike S. Mn.Mike
Please don’t cancel the show The Brave! Love this show!!
Please return the brave season 2
The Brave is excellent.. Please bring it back for season 2.
I totally agree! Bring back The Brave!
What do you people think with you get a good show like ” The Brave” and now you cancel it. Come on NBC get your head on and think. Simply amazing!!!!
The only good show on NBC. . . .such a shame it is not renewed. . . .back to watching ABC, CBS and HGTV.
I’ve been looking for the return of “The Brave” show and now learning of it being cancelled. I am shocked. It was one of my favorite shows and even enjoyed it better than CBS’ Seal Team. Now I must break the bad news to all my friends who loved the show too.
I thought this show was the best new show on TV….Plz don’t cancel it!
I cannot believe you would cancel a great show like The Brave! The stories were interesting and the acting superb. My husband and I looked forward to it every week. I know there were 3 similar shows on TV at the same time, but The Brave and Seal Team are the best. Please put it back on!!!!
Best series on TV.
The Brave was one of the better shows to come out this past fall. Why would NBC cancel it when there are so many bad reality shows on that should be cancelled first.
I really enjoy this show! I got all my friends to start watching it and now I hear it’s been cancelled?!?! Why??? At least try it on a different night or something…why are you giving up so quickly? It’s a REALLY good show with interesting story lines, and great acting. How do you guys decide what to keep and what to cancel? Bring back The Brave!
Don’t cancel The Brave, one of my favorite shows last year, The Brave and Seal Team. Only show on NBC I watch.
Please don’t cancel, best new show this season.
Really liked The Brave. Was checking to see when it was coming back on and see that it has been cancelled. I really hate that.
Please don’t cancel this program!!! I have looked forward
to its return and a Season 2!!
Please don”t cancel Bring it back love the show.
great show. believable people. please keep
What is the problem with NBC? The brave is probably the best show on TV.. I will have to watch something else on a different station that time you made a very big mistake if you cancel the show. Hopefully another station will have the brains to put it on their list.
What is the problem with NBC? The brave is probably the best show on TV.. I will have to watch something else on a different station that time you made a very big mistake if you cancel the show. Hopefully another station will have the brains to put it on their list.
NBC, please don’t cancel The Brave. It’s a better show than any of its genre on other networks; it has better and more intelligent writing. Is that standard too high for NBC to sustain?
Agree with all, what is NBC thinking?????
NBC…Nothing But Crap
This is the third new NBC show I have gotten interested in only to have it cancelled. I will just watch 60’s TV sitcoms from now on. NO MORE NBC
Please bring back the Brave. it was a great show. Many people miss it.
NBC pulls the plug too easily The writing and acting are excellent
I love this show. Better than Seal team. Bring it back! Don’t cancel it!
Best show on tv. Please bring back for season 2!
do not cancel the brave
Please return the Brave. Another net work please pick it up.
The Brave was a great show! I hope NBC re-thinks their decision to cancel.
i loved the show why take it off the air seems like alot of people love it also please bring it back
Renew this show, I did 23 years in the Infantry and found this show to be one of the best.
Shame on you NBC you don’t know a good show from a bad one. This was an excellent show and it is the fault of the network for not promoting it more. The other networks advertised the military shows non stop. The acting was great, the story line held your interest through out and they were the real deal. Please reconsider your decision to cancel them. Great individuals, great actors deserve better. I have to give them credit for the extra training that the actors did to make the roles realistic. We loved having you in New Mexico and hope to get you back.
Shame on you NBC you don’t know a good show from a bad one. This was an excellent show and it is the fault of the network for not promoting it more. The other networks advertised the military shows non stop. The acting was great, the story line held your interest through out and they were the real deal. Please reconsider your decision to cancel them. Great individuals, great actors deserve better. I have to give them credit for the extra training that the actors did to make the roles realistic. We loved having you in New Mexico and hope to get you back.
This is a good show. I would like it not to be cancel.
I was wondering when The Brave was coming back on and see that it may be cancelled. I love this show… keeps me on the edge of my seat. It’s a great show and I hope it will not be cancelled. Please reconsider and consider the fans.
Canceling The Brave was a dumb assed move. Bring it back!!!!!!
I loved The Brave. It was the only show on NBC that I watch, and it was excellent. Why not give it a chance to build an audience?
I agree with all the others that really liked this show. Other then This is Us I thought this was one of the best shows on NBC. I really enjoyed it and couldn’t wait for season 2 and now I find out that it is cancelled. Poor decision on your part.
I simply can NOT believe that this show is being cancelled. Too often we as viewers get invested in a program only to have it cancelled. I can’t tell you how many times I have really enjoyed a new tv show only to find out that it was cancelled. Change the time slot if you have to but please keep it on. I realize it comes on opposite The Good Doctor but don’t most people have a DVR? NBC, please do not let your viewers down with this show!
NBC!! Are you kidding me??? NBC, you cancelled the Brave??!!!
How do you not renew a hit show???
Please! Bring it back!!!
The most riveting realistic special ops show. Will watch no other. Casting perfect. Could hardly wait for the new show each week. NBC what are you thinking cancelling this blockbuster? Huge disappointment. Considering other stations now.
The Brave was so much better then Seal Team. I hope you give it a chance.
Sad. Really seriously liked this show. If it’s not politically correct enough for NBC, will another network please pick it up?? Lots of consumers would really like that to happen!
I’ve been waiting for the next season and very disappointed to see it has been cancelled. Great story line and excellent acting with an incredible cast . Better in every aspect than Seal Team .
I don’t get it anymore. Know it’s about the $$ but this was one of the best shows I have seen on any channel in quite some time. Never missed it. Make room for another awful talent, dancing or reality show. Thankfully still have some cable channels and Netflix to stand by good TV,
Please don’t cance! This show the brave it is very intense good actors and just plain good story .what are you thinking by canceling .you have some good shows going but this is better than Chicago of and that is my second favorite
This is the ONLY NBC show worth watching. It is great. What can you be thinking? Oh right, you are not thinking.
The Brave was a refreshing new show about our special teams in the military. I really like this show. Why would you cancel this and keep some of these other dumb shows. Fox Network…pick this show up.
Please tell me it isn’t so. I’ve kept waiting for it to come back on. Please bring it back!
Really liked this program. Every ep is well done! Season 2 would be much appreciated…Please bring it back!!!
Bring back The Brave! It was the ONLY and I do mean ONLY show I watched on NBC. I can not believe the suits would cancel it. Horible decision on the networks part. I looked forward to watching it every week. The cast was amazing. It is/was so much better than Seal Team.
i cannot believe you are cancelling this. The actors are phenomenal and the story lines were great. Please bring back..of all the new military shows..this was by far the best one!!
NBC has a poor history of canceling its best new shows, keep the Brave, Do not cancel the best of network shows that started this season. we do not a replacement like the mediocre predictable seal team.
How can you cancel such a wonderful show like The Brave? There are so many real bad shows you keep bringing back that I can’t believe it. When you get a real-life show like The Brave you cancel it? Something is real wrong somewhere.
I cannot believe you would cancel one of the best shows on TV!! We hardly ever watch the major networks because we hate most stuff that’s one, but one was wonderful. Please bring it back!
PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THE BRAVE!!! My husband and I love this show! We love the actors and the characters they play. The show is real life happenings. I’m so sick of reality shows!! Please bring THE BRAVE BACK!!!!!
WHY???? This is the most realistic show on TV! It depicts the bravery of our military and is a suspenseful and gripping show. It is more like a block-buster movie every week! I suspect the left-winged liberal execs decided this is too patriotic. And you wonder why regular networks are tanking? I know, you needed to make room for another mindless reality show or contest. Thank goodness for Netflix and Hulu! I knew I hated NBC for a reason, not just for FAKE NEWS reporting.
Better than SIX, but SIX is goood. Guess History channel gets my view. I suggest other do the same…..!4850!3!261018341887!b!!g!!%2Bsix%20%2Bhistory%20channel&ef_id=WoXT3wAAAE0KVzRz:20180508171330:s
Please don’t tell me Season 2 has been cancelled!!! We absolutely LOVE this show!!! We could not wait for Monday nights…I just cannot believe they would cancel such a great show! My husband and I love this show and I was surprised that so many people at my job were watching it!!! If it’s been cancelled, please bring it back!!!
So shocked to see yet another really good show (The Brave) cancelled, please bring it back and soon. Been looking forward to Season 2 every since the season 1 finale. You have to bring it back, I need to see that Preach recovers from his coma!
I really can not believe that The Brave was cancelled. It was a spunky and intelligent military program. The end of last season when Jaz got captured and the team rescued her had me in tears and feeling so proud to be an American. The actors are awesome. Please do not cancel this show.
OMG Madness! NBC Not Bright at all and a perfect name for NBC Not Bright Channel. Extremely disappointing.
This is sad news, The Brave was a great show. Been waiting for its return.
Really? You cancelled ‘The Brave”? It’s an excellent show! What is wrong with you people?!
Please bring it back! We’ve been waiting to see Season 2 only to find out it’s cancelled. The actors draw you into the show and the story lines had twists and were so real.
I am still asking NBC not to cancel The Brave as it is one of the best shows out there, way better than Seal Team! BRING BACK THE BRAVE!
The Brave had action, suspence and adverture plus thills. Why on earth would you guys cancel such a great show. I tell you you guy have some weird sence of you public’s interest. Would please concider bringing The Brave? Great Show!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! Bring the show back. My husband & I really enjoyed the show.
I don’t understand why the networks continue to put more garbage shows on, and drop shows like “The Brave”. This show is “reality”, unlike some of the garbage reality shows they put on. This show reflects the sacrifice that our military makes for all of us. When are the networks going to figure out what is important, and what many of us like to watch? I have watched this show since its been on, and love it! Do the right thing and bring it back.
not surprised, the best shows get cancelled for example…Backstrom loved that show, Almost Human, Firefly, Dresden Files….
Best show on the air. We could hardly wait for season 2. Dumb decision to cancel
That’s the best season I have ever seen.Th
e team is quite good when it comes on the ground. Am really hungry to watch season 2