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Hand of God Cancelled for Season 3 By Amazon
Hand of God Season 3 release date – CANCELLED
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About Hand of God
On September 15, 2016, Amazon cancelled Hand of God, with the second season (releasing March 10, 2017) to be the last in the series. No Season 3.
Cancelled! How disappointing!
This really pisses me off!! Love Ron Perlman and Dana Delaney! Shame!! I watched season 1 in one sitting and just finished Season 2 in one sitting!! Amazon please bring it back!!!
I cannot begin to comprehend WHY this was not renewed for the next 4 years! This show is simply superb….the least they can do is tell us WHY!?????
agree. This was one of the better show on tv or streaming services. Really disappointed that Amazon is not bringing this back.
What a great show! I can’t believe no season 3….this is crazy!!
One of the best shows ever.. so disappointed.
Who’s making the decisions at amazon?
Dropped the ball on this one Amazon. Great series. Too bad you ended it.
Im mad as hell! What kind of frackle nackle bull is this! you pull us in for 2 seasons and then cancel ! You better bring that show back !It is one of the best shows you have. Don’t do this to us!
Crap I am pissed no season 3 was looking forward to watching it, it was a great show. Can’t believe you left us in limbo. 😬
Dear Amazon,
There is just so many formats to watch shows today that I just can’t keep up. I never was interested in your streaming service but my College daughter got it. Had some time in my hand because of summers slower TV schedule and have watched a few of your shows, The quality is pretty good but not Netflix level until I discovered “Hand of God”.
This is real drama and competes with any show on any format. Lets not even get to the diversity issue , minority actors are not just fillers but the engine that moves the show forward in content and quality.
Now I read you cancelled season 3, really? I don’t know how awards are giving out and how the media picks favorites but I can only blame you and lack of marketing that this show doesn’t get the exposure it needs to catch on.
Quality is Quality plus you are pretty new and need content, it can’t be that expensive to produce, No A list actors nor CGI content.
To conclude, you dropped the “BALL” here, show some love to your new viewers and bring it back.
Thank You
Wow! This was good TV. Too bad we were left on a cliff hanger.
Amazon, you have nothing over Netflix and I will NOT be renewing my Prime with you. How could you cancel Hand of God after showing us 2 seasons? I am very disappointed and frustrated with the quality of the movies you show and now this is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
NO!!! Season 3, PLEASE!!! The Best Show I’ve watched in a long while … This is ludicrous!!!!