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About Homeland
Homeland Season 7 premiered February 11, 2018 on Showtime.
Homeland is an edge-of-your-seat sensation. CIA officer Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) is tops in her field despite being bipolar, which makes her volatile and unpredictable. With the help of her long-time mentor Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin), Carrie fearlessly risks everything, including her personal well-being and even sanity, at every turn. You won't be able to turn away from this gripping, emotional thriller in which nothing short of the fate of our nation is at stake.
what is the date that Homeland will start on Showtime? I want to make sure I don’t miss it and cant seem to find it listed in Showtime’s schedule.
Here for the same reason. You would think they might mention it but perhaps they are making too much money in other series.
‘Homeland’ Season 8 Premiere Date Pushed Till Fall
Delay til Fall 2019
Don’t keep me wondering. Please tell me there is a season 8!!!
It’s set for 2020 now
yes, it should keep going, homeland has always been great
keep it going, homeland has always been great