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About Lucifer
Lucifer Season 3 released October 2, 2017 on Fox. In May 2018, Fox cancelled Lucifer after three seasons. However, the series was swiftly revived in June 2018, with Netflix picking up a fourth season, slated to stream in 2019.
Based upon the characters created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg for Vertigo, from DC Entertainment, LUCIFER is the story of the original fallen angel. Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR (Tom Ellis) abandoned his throne and retired to Los Angeles, where he has teamed up with LAPD detective CHLOE DECKER (Lauren German) to take down criminals.
Charming, charismatic and devilishly handsome, Lucifer has a way of manipulating people into confessing their deepest, darkest secrets, which helps Chloe deliver justice. But Lucifer quickly discovered that Chloe makes him vulnerable. When he’s around her, the devil can bleed like anyone else. It’s a truly scary realization that doesn’t sit well with his best friend, MAZIKEEN aka MAZE (Lesley-Ann Brandt), a fierce demon in the form of a beautiful young woman. Maze wants nothing more than to leave Los Angeles and get back to her life in Hell, but Lucifer is having one helluva good time with the mortals, and she is not about to leave him behind.
Please do not cancel Lucife season 4! I have so been looking forward to it. I know there are myriads of avid viewers awaiting Lucy’s return. Please, please, being him back!
you cant leave lucifer hunging like that bad ending at least bring one more season to see if they get together after she finds out hes the devil
I can’t believe you guys are canceling Lucifer you can’t be serious I love the show please please bring it back…
It is Fox what did you expect.
Yes! Yes! Yes! We want Lucifer. So distinct from all the boring formulaic co and hospital shows!!!!!
I can’t live without Lucifer. I am so awaiting for the new season. Hoping for a Lucifer and Chloe love seen. I have rearranged my night classes so that I won’t miss an episode. Please bring Lucifer back!!!!!!
I enjoy watching Lucifer. It’s funny, and there is MURDER AFOOT…! Please keep Lucifer going.
GOD would want it that way…! Lol
…Only dear old dad knows what he wants.
please pretty please keep Lucifer going. My husband simply love everything about this wonderful show/ The actors and actresses and the episodes and stories new each week the writers etc
it must go on me and my husband love this show so much keep it going Fox plz
I have just recently started watching it I LOVE IT PLEASE BRING BACK THE TV SHOW LUCIFER _:)
Lucifer is one of the few shows that is actually funny and always delivers a message from the forces of good rather than evil. And the casting is superb too!
The Lucifer team at Fox has hit on a rare combination of wit, humor and talent. Just don’t scream up the winning formula by trying to “improve “ it!
Be thankful you have a winner and keep your fans happy by keeping writers, directors and cast together until the ratings plummet- if indeed they eventually do so!!
Please don’t cancel LUCIFER.! He’s the BEST BAD THING on TV.! It’s funny and always looks on the GOOD Winning OVER EVIL. We all need a little Lucifer in our souls.
OR…..OOOOORRRRRRR does Lucifer need a little of our souls……hehehe lol
FOX, If you cancel Lucifer, then YOU’RE NOT AS CLEVER AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!
FOX you keep Last man standing and cancel Lucifer what are you all crazy. Should be the reverse.
If you cancel Lucifer I will never watch Fox again
I love seeing all these posts about lucifer here i was thinking i was alone. None of my friends like it but me and my wife have just finished season 3 and with the ending it had i had both tears of joy and tears of sadness i hope the people who make luci finally see how its a binge worthy show to many people and it deaserves a solid ending. And to all those who go around and post about how good it is thank you. Keep it up
Why was Lucifer cancelled? It’s not like Fox have that many shows of interest( I only watch Lucifer and the Resident!). Bring back Lucifer!!! The story line must be resolved!!! Oh, was it cancelled to make way for stupid football????
This is the only show I watch!!!
I too love Lucifer! Cannot believe that such an interesting plot line is going to get the axe—say it ain’t so, Fox!!!
Who was the dillweed that cancelled the show? Hope Fox gets taught a lesson when people stop watching Fox, because that is were I’m at now.. When I watch shows it’s because I want to be entertained! Now I am at my wits end with people that can’t tell the difference between a Great show or one that needs to be cancelled.. Hope you are smart enough to see your mistake and renew it.. Now lets see which one you are?This is the highlight of my week, because in my book its number one show. Lets face it their not to many shows that’s left. As you can see I am passed the point the point of being mad I am livid!
Bring it back – seriously, it’s one of the best shows recently!! I hate to think with what kind of drivel you’ll be replacing it….
Please don’t cancel Lucifer, we all follow it from work and enjoy discussing it. We would be heartbroken!
Lucifer is the best show FOX has had on in years! It has intrigue, romance and comedy, what a great combination! If FOX has to cancel some shows to fit in new ones, they should feel free to cancel Gotham, Empire and Star! You couldn’t pay me to watch those shows!
please I’m from Australia and that’s a good show funny and u cant leave ending like that at least one more season so we can c if chloe and lucy get together
Please don’t cancel lucifer its a great show .why do you cancel good show and keep the dumb shows on?
Please do not leave the Lucifer Chloe story like this. I arrange my schedule to watch this riveting show. It is fascinating how the writers humanizethe immortals and the mortals With the interplay ofgood and evil and the serious mixed with the humor. The writers really work their characters. So don’t leave us hanging; forced to write our own show and stop watching fox if you mistreat us this way by cancelling and not finishing what you gotusinvolvedwith. Not fair and I’m not going to allow you to do this to me again. So either finish this terrific show or I’m not watching fox anymore.. that’s that.
This is a really bad decision to cancel Lucifer!!! this was one of the better shows on tv! please bring it back! this is just not right!!
The last episode of season 3 is a great way to leave the season but not the show.
Lucifer needs a better ending than that..!!
It would be like only filling your gas tank up half way because you can’t be bothered spending 2 extra minutes waiting until your tank is full.
Lucifer is a great show and it really p’s me off when I like a certain American show ( I am in Australia ) and it gets canceled but yet a stupid cartoon like family guy just keeps going and going and going.
We want Lucifer back!!! this was a great show please bring it back Fox.
Direct TV and Fox were in negotiations from September until early or mid January. That’s probably one of the reasons for low ratings and also the time change.
When Lucifer first aired it came on at 7 pm on Monday CST for the first two (2) seasons.
Please do not cancel the show. It is truly worth watching. Tom Ellis is one hell of an actor. I got familiar with him when he played Rush on USA and that was the main reason I started watching the show.
All the actors on the show are worth their salt. I have watched them on other shows and enjoyed those as well.
It Is because some thing that was said seem to be about punk Trump? We do not care about kiss butt fox Chanel boycott and never watch fox again put Lucifer on AMC AMC ROCKS FOX SUCKS A LOT OF THINGS!!!!!!!!
DO NOT LET LUCIFER BE CANCELLED. It is a show I am so into. I look forward to it every week. I have watched episodes several times. Such a different show, Love it. BRING IT BACK PLEASE
I was devastated when I heard LUCIFER had been cancelled. LUCIFER, the only fox show I watch, is a devilish dramedy that has always left me wanting more at the end of each episode to be eagerly awaiting the next airing. Though obviously some disagree, the show is entertaining, clever, AND non-bias, I do not know what my one house hold rating equals to, but I hope it is high enough to count as a rating drop to the fox network as a sad and angry boycott. The saying is you can’t please everyone, but who is playing GOD to the devil’s cancellation?
Please keep this show going its the best
I love the show
Everyone knows Fox isn’t the best Network on TV. But by cancelling Lucifer just shows how classless Fox news really is ! Stupid move.
Please don’t cancel this show. I love watching Lucifer and need to know what happens next season. The final show was a great cliff hanger I need to know what is next! Lucifer is a great character and one that give those of us a different view of what he is like. So different than the perspective we were taught as children. Please bring it back!
Don’t cancel that show I love that show they r canceling all kinds of shows its sucks bring lucifier back
Please don’t cancel this show.
I love watching lucifer and so does my husband,when he is upset I play it for him and he starts to smile ,So please don’t take it off the air
I love Lucifer it’s one of the show’s I look forward to watching every week and if Fox was cancelling why not shoot a better ending at least. Fox has done this before cancelled great shows for crap shows I watch maybe 3 shows on Fox including Lucifer. But yea!! Season 4 on Netflix which I have so I’ll get to watch but that’s really not fair to those who don’t have Netflix I suppose maybe rerun’s will be shown on whatever channels are owned by the company that owns Netflix someone out there may have that answer.
I’m so tried of playing games this Fox. They good shows and keep the garbage. I don’t have Netflix, but I have a choice of what channels I watch. So they Lucifer I will block Fox channel it’s one the greatest channels any way. Lucifer is one of the great show that been on in long time and they want to cancel it again. The only thing that I can think of is to block Fox and Fox channel rating go down.
I love Lucifer there’s not a better actor anywhere to play Lucifer than Tom Ellis please don’t cancel the show I don’t have Netflix so i will miss out on one of the best and funniest shows ever made
Hmm…Sleepy Hollow had a charming Brit in the lead male role and lasted 3 seasons on FOX, Lucifer had a charming and talented Brit in the lead role and also lasted 3 seasons on FOX. Seems to me if you’re a good-looking and talented Brit and FOX wants to put you in a show, you should run for the hills! Whoever is in charge needs to be fired, or better yet get cast as the jackass villain in the next Jurassic Park/World movie so they get their just desserts! The way FOX keeps playing around with shows, putting them on, changing air times, then yanking them off, it’s amazing they are still in business. Football isn’t going to save your butts, you arrogant, self-absorbed, overpaid, corporate kiss-asses… not with overpaid babies getting down on their knees and disrespecting the American flag and the country that made the NFL and AFL big businesses. Football fans already made that clear last year! ROTF LOL! Screw around with your fan base and you screw around with your BOTTOM LINE you mindless freaks! Thank God for Netflix! They appear to be the smart ones! Will be looking forward to Lucifer when they air it!
im soooooooooo Happy that Netflix picked up Season 4 of Lucifer!!!!!!!!!!!! I would watch this show every night for 100 seasons!!!!! way to go Netflix. can wait to see our Tom Ellis and his amazing acting / singing and being the bomb again!
2019??!!! To long to wait! They should air the first episode this year to keep the interest going and give viewers the closure they wanted on the cliffhanger.
Ill wait , as long as they keep it well done , and for many more seasons . thank you
Dumb move on Fox’s part. Way to Get the audience to move to Netflix. I guess I will be looking at other shows on Netflix as Fox is all look dumb!
We want Lucifer!!!
We want Lucifer!!!
We want Lucifer!!!
Please bring Lucifer back! Me and my husband love the show so much we have been waiting for it to come back. It’s funny and entertainingly worry. Please bring it back soon!
I will not be watching anything that Fox produces because this is one of the many shows they have canceled that I loved. Netflix I don’t care how much I have to pay monthly I will always subscribe loyally because Netflix listened to viewer demands for this show by taking over season 4. Thank you so much Netflix!
I absolutely love series are made by Netflix! They do such an awesome job at it, so it is exciting that Netflix is picking up the fourth season of Lucifer because I adore that show. It’s unique and I’m currently bing watching it at the moment. Please don’t cancel this show. It’s amazing!
Reply with new dates.
I have enjoyed this show from the first episode till the last one. Good acting. Good special effects. I like the charactors. It has a sense of irony and humor.
When is Season 4 on NetFlix starting? I will signup for NetFlix when it does, Lucifer was one of the few shows I really got hooked on. Wife and I loved it.
Binge watched Lucifer seasons one through three. Can’t wait for Season 4,5,6,7,8,+ Would make an interesting full length movie as well!
What a great show. Fox is clueless.
I really liked lucifer series. up until chloe and lucifer stopped right in the middle of a relationship. after she was poisoned. I don’t think there was any point where they hooked up that I saw after that . I think that’s why fox canceled it and Netflix picked it up. I will see what happens in season 4. if I missed them hooking up an where in season 2 or 3 let me know
3 cheers for Netflix picking up Lucifer and running with it! I’m so looking forward to season 4!
Just finished binge watching the first 3 seasons on Netflix. Will begin again while I wait for season 4. Thank you, Netflix.
It is really about time for Season 4 – and 5 too you can binge-watch and never be bored
I have fallen in love with Lucifer. I just watched Season 1-3 On Netflix. Cannot wait to see season 4
Omg I freaking love Lucifer! So so so so happy season four is happening. My entire family watches the show faithfully and I just got my 18 year old hooked on it also. Please dont stop making the show.. Lucifer must go on!!!! I would love to buy a box series of this show. Even if its 100 seasons I will be one of people to buy all of them. Awesome show!!!
As like all the rest of the fans I’m devastated that fox would merge with Disney which is probably why we are starting to get weenier shows. Disney might be trying to clean up fox so everyone start trying to get into Netflix or you probably won’t see anything else with taste for humor , love , drama and all the other goodies that you like about the show. I’m from Texas and I’m a Lucifer fan. Also yes the devilish brit has me wrapped around his wings to watch his need to “punish” the evil twits that deserves it. God it’s madness to be tortured with no lucifer. Btw I’m Christie. 😇😈